Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 20, 2014

Community Detection in Graphs — a Casual Tour

Filed under: Graphs,Networks,Social Networks — Patrick Durusau @ 4:43 pm

Community Detection in Graphs — a Casual Tour by Jeremy Kun.

From the post:

Graphs are among the most interesting and useful objects in mathematics. Any situation or idea that can be described by objects with connections is a graph, and one of the most prominent examples of a real-world graph that one can come up with is a social network.

Recall, if you aren’t already familiar with this blog’s gentle introduction to graphs, that a graph G is defined by a set of vertices V, and a set of edges E, each of which connects two vertices. For this post the edges will be undirected, meaning connections between vertices are symmetric.

One of the most common topics to talk about for graphs is the notion of a community. But what does one actually mean by that word? It’s easy to give an informal definition: a subset of vertices C such that there are many more edges between vertices in C than from vertices in C to vertices in V - C (the complement of C). Try to make this notion precise, however, and you open a door to a world of difficult problems and open research questions. Indeed, nobody has yet come to a conclusive and useful definition of what it means to be a community. In this post we’ll see why this is such a hard problem, and we’ll see that it mostly has to do with the word “useful.” In future posts we plan to cover some techniques that have found widespread success in practice, but this post is intended to impress upon the reader how difficult the problem is.

Thinking that for some purposes, communities of nodes could well be a subject in a topic map. But we would have to be able to find them. And Jeremy says that’s a hard problem.

Looking forward to more posts on communities in graphs from Jeremy.

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