Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 26, 2013


Filed under: Graph Databases,Graphs,RDF,SPARQL — Patrick Durusau @ 10:55 am


From the webpage:


Dydra is a cloud-based graph database. Whether you’re using existing social network APIs or want to build your own, Dydra treats your customers’ social graph as exactly that.

With Dydra, your data is natively stored as a property graph, directly representing the relationships in the underlying data.


With Dydra, you access and update your data via an industry-standard query language specifically designed for graph processing, SPARQL. It’s easy to use and we provide a handy in-browser query editor to help you learn.

Despite my misgivings about RDF (Simple Web Semantics), if you want to investigate RDF and SPARQL, Dydra would be a good way to get your feet wet.

You can get an idea of the skill level required by RDF/SPARQL.

Currently in beta, free with some resource limitations.

I particularly liked the line:

We manage every piece of the data store, including versioning, disaster recovery, performance, and more. You just use it.

RDF/SPARQL skills will remain a barrier but Dydra as does its best to make those the only barriers you will face. (And have reduced some of those.)

Definitely worth your attention, whether you simply want to practice on RDF/SPARQL as a data source or have other uses for it.

I first saw this in a tweet by Stian Danenbarger.

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