Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 19, 2013

AI Algorithms, Data Structures, and Idioms…

Filed under: Algorithms,Artificial Intelligence,Data Structures,Java,Lisp,Prolog — Patrick Durusau @ 10:51 am

AI Algorithms, Data Structures, and Idioms in Prolog, Lisp and Java by George F. Luger and William A. Stubblefield.

From the introduction:

Writing a book about designing and implementing representations and search algorithms in Prolog, Lisp, and Java presents the authors with a number of exciting opportunities.

The first opportunity is the chance to compare three languages that give very different expression to the many ideas that have shaped the evolution of programming languages as a whole. These core ideas, which also support modern AI technology, include functional programming, list processing, predicate logic, declarative representation, dynamic binding, meta-linguistic abstraction, strong-typing, meta-circular definition, and object-oriented design and programming. Lisp and Prolog are, of course, widely recognized for their contributions to the evolution, theory, and practice of programming language design. Java, the youngest of this trio, is both an example of how the ideas pioneered in these earlier languages have shaped modern applicative programming, as well as a powerful tool for delivering AI applications on personal computers, local networks, and the world wide web.

Where could you go wrong with comparing Prolog, Lisp and Java?

Either for the intellectual exercise or because you want a better understanding of AI, a resource to enjoy!

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