Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 2, 2013

Semantic Search for Scala – Post 1

Filed under: Programming,Scala,Semantics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:08 pm

Semantic Search for Scala – Post 1 by Mads Hartmann Jensen.

From the post:

The goal of the project is to create a semantic search engine for Scala, in the form of a library, and integrate it with the Scala IDE plugin for Eclipse. Part of the solution will be to index all aspects of a Scala code, that is:

  • Definitions of the usual Scala elements: classes, traits, objects, methods, fields, etc.
  • References to the above elements. Some more challenging case to consider are self-types, type-aliases, code injected by the compiler, and implicits.

With this information the library should be able to

  • Find all occurrences of any type of Scala element
  • Create a call-hierarchy, this is list all in- and outgoing method invocations, for any Scala method.
  • Create a type-hierarchy, i.e. list all super- and subclasses, of a specific type (I won’t necessarily find time to implement this during my thesis but nothing is stopping me from working on the project even after I hand in the report)

Mads is working on his master’s thesis and Typesafe has agreed to collaborate with him.

For a longer description of the project (or to comment), see: Features and Trees

If you have suggestions on semantic search for programming languages, please contact Mads on Twitter, Twitter @Mads_Hartmann.

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