Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 7, 2012

Announcing Scalable Performance Monitoring (SPM) for JVM

Filed under: Java,Systems Administration — Patrick Durusau @ 12:56 pm

Announcing Scalable Performance Monitoring (SPM) for JVM (Sematext)

From the post:

Up until now, SPM existed in several flavors for monitoring Solr, HBase, ElasticSearch, and Sensei. Besides metrics specific to a particular system type, all these SPM flavors also monitor OS and JVM statistics. But what if you want to monitor any Java application? Say your custom Java application run either in some container, application server, or from a command line? You don’t really want to be forced to look at blank graphs that are really meant for stats from one of the above mentioned systems. This was one of our own itches, and we figured we were not the only ones craving to scratch that itch, so we put together a flavor of SPM for monitoring just the JVM and (Operating) System metrics.

Now SPM lets you monitor OS and JVM performance metrics of any Java process through the following 5 reports, along with all other SPM functionality like integrated Alerts, email Subscriptions, etc. If you are one of many existing SPM users these graphs should look very familiar.

JVM monitoring isn’t like radio station management where you can listen for dead air. It a bit more complicated than that.

SPM may help with it.

Beyond the JVM and OS, how do you handle monitoring of topic map applications?

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