Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 3, 2012

Managing Highly Connected Data in Neo4j

Filed under: Graphs,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 3:34 pm

Managing Highly Connected Data in Neo4j by Jim Webber.

In this talk for the Progressive NOSQL Tutorials on Managing Highly Connected Data in Neo4j, Jim Webber will discuss how connected data is driving new classes of innovative applications and investigate the strengths and weaknesses of common NOSQL families for dealing handling it. The focus is on the characteristics of Neo4j for managing connected data, and to reinforce how useful graphs are, we provide a rapid, code-focussed example using Neo4j covering the APIs for manipulating and traversing graphs. We’ll then use this knowledge to explore domains as disparate as social recommendations and the Doctor Who universe, using Neo4j to infer knowledge from connected, semi-structured data.

An entertaining but sanitized view of data structures and database history.

Hypergraphs have been studied and used for decades.

To say nothing of Ted Nelson’s Project Xanadu.

Both of which built on older foundations.

I haven’t seen a presentation that traces those foundations, even partially. Something to think about.

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