Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 16, 2012

Modeling vs Mining?

Filed under: Data Mining,Data Models — Patrick Durusau @ 12:07 pm

Steve Miller writes in Politics of Data Models and Mining:

I recently came across an interesting thread, “Is data mining still a sin against the norms of econometrics?”, from the Advanced Business Analytics LinkedIn Discussion Group. The point of departure for the dialog is a paper entitled “Three attitudes towards data mining”, written by couple of academic econometricians.

The data mining “attitudes” range from the extremes that DM techniques are to be avoided like the plague, to one where “data mining is essential and that the only hope that we have of using econometrics to uncover true economic relationships is to be found in the intelligent mining of data.” The authors note that machine learning phobia is currently the norm in economics research.

Why is this? “Data mining is considered reprehensible largely because the world is full of accidental correlations, so that what a search turns up is thought to be more a reflection of what we want to find than what is true about the world.” In contrast, “Econometrics is regarded as hypothesis testing. Only a well specified model should be estimated and if it fails to support the hypothesis, it fails; and the economist should not search for a better specification.”

In other words, econometrics focuses on explanation, expecting its practitioners to generate hypotheses for testing with regression models. ML, on the other hand, obsesses on discovery and prediction, often content to let the data talk directly, without the distraction of “theory.” Just as bad, the results of black-box ML might not be readily interpretable for tests of economic hypotheses.

Watching other communities fight over odd questions is always more enjoyable than serious disputes of grave concern in our own. (See Using “Punning” to Answer httpRange-14 for example.)

I mention the economist’s dispute, not simply to make jests at the expense of “econometricians.” (Do topic map supporters need a difficult name? TopicMapologists? Too short.)

The economist’s debate is missing an understanding that modeling requires some knowledge of the domain (mining whether formal or informal) and mining requires some idea of an output (models whether spoken or unspoken). A failing that is all too common across modeling/mining domains.

To put it another way:

We never stumble upon data that is “untouched by human hands.”

We never build models without knowledge of the data we are modeling.

The relevant question is: Does the model or data mining provide a useful result?

(Typically measured by your client’s joy or sorrow over your results.)

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