Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 8, 2012

An R programmer looks at Julia

Filed under: Julia,Marketing,R — Patrick Durusau @ 4:20 pm

An R programmer looks at Julia by Douglas Bates.

Douglas writes:

In January of this year I first saw mention of the Julia language in the release notes for LLVM. I mentioned this to Dirk Eddelbuettel and later we got in contact with Viral Shah regarding a Debian package for Julia.

There are many aspects of Julia that are quite intriguing to an R programmer. I am interested in programming languages for “Computing with Data”, in John Chambers ‘term, or “Technical Computing”, as the authors of Julia classify it. I believe that learning a programming language is somewhat like learning a natural language in that you need to live with it and use it for a while before you feel comfortable with it and with the culture surrounding it.

A common complaint for those learning R is finding the name of the function to perform a particular task. In writing a bit of Julia code for fitting generalized linear models, as described below, I found myself in exactly the same position of having to search through documentation to find how to do something that I felt should be simple. The experience is frustrating but I don’t know of a way of avoiding it. One word of advice for R programmers looking at Julia, the names of most functions correspond to the Matlab/octave names, not the R names. One exception is the d-p-q-r functions for distributions, as I described in an earlier posting. [bold emphasis added in last paragraph]

Problem: Programming languages with different names for the same operation.

Suggestions anyone?


Do topic maps spring to mind?

Perhaps with select match language, select target language and auto-completion capabilities?

Unintrusive window or pop-up for text entry of name (or signature) in match language, that displays equivalent name/signature (would Hamming distance work here?) in target language. Using XTM/CTM as format would enable distributed (and yet interchangeable) construction of editorial artifacts for various programming languages.

Not the path to world domination or peace but on the other hand, it would be useful.

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