Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 18, 2012


Filed under: Graphs,Parallel Programming,Signal/Collect — Patrick Durusau @ 5:24 pm

Signal/Collect: a framework for parallel graph processing

I became aware of Signal/Collect because of René Pickhardt’s graph reading club assignment for 22 February 2012.

A paper to use as a starting point for Signal/Collect: Signal/Collect: Graph Algorithms for the (Semantic) Web.

From the website (first link above):

Signal/Collect is a programming model and framework for large-scale graph processing. The model is expressive enough to concisely formulate many iterated and data-flow algorithms on graphs, while allowing the framework to transparently parallelize the processing. The current release of the framework is not distributed yet, but this is planned for March 2012.

In Signal/Collect an algorithm is written from the perspective of vertices and edges. Once a graph has been specified the edges will signal and the vertices will collect. When an edge signals it computes a message based on the state of its source vertex. This message is then sent along the edge to the target vertex of the edge. When a vertex collects it uses the received messages to update its state. These operations happen in parallel all over the graph until all messages have been collected and all vertex states have converged.

Many algorithms have very simple and elegant implementations in Signal/Collect. You find more information about the programming model and features in the project wiki. Please take the time to explore some of the example algorithms below.

Signal/Collect development and source code is now on github.

The name of the project is written variously: Signal/Collect, signal collect, signal-collect. Except for when I am quoting other sources, I will be using Signal/Collect.

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