Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 7, 2012

Finding Data on the Internet

Filed under: Data,Data Source,R — Patrick Durusau @ 4:31 pm

Finding Data on the Internet

From the post:

What I would like is a nice list of all of credible sources on the Internet for finding data to use with R projects. I know that this is a crazy idea, not well formulated (what are data after all) and loaded with absurd computational and theoretical challenges. (Why can’t I just google “data R” and get what I want?) So, what can I do? As many people are also out there doing, I can begin to make lists (in many cases lists of lists) on a platform that is stable enough to survive and grow, and perhaps encourage others to help with the effort.

Here follows a list of data sources that may easily be imported into R. If an (R) appears after source this means that the data are already in R format or there exist R commands for directly importing the data from R. (See for some code.) Otherwise, i have limited the list to data sources for which there is a reasonably simple process for importing csv files. What follows is a list of data sources organized into categories that are not mutually exclusive but which reflect what’s out there.

Useful listing of data sources for R, but you could use them with any SQL, NoSQ, SQL-NoSQL hybrid, or topic map as well.

Title probably should be: “Data Found on the Internet.” Finding data is a more difficult proposition.

Curious: Is there a “data crawler” that attempts to crawl websites of governments and the usual suspects for new data sets?

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