Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 25, 2012

Mule Studio – Getting Started

Filed under: Mule — Patrick Durusau @ 3:29 pm

Very rough notes on the basic introduction to Mule Studio.

Getting Started with Mule Studio

Under What’s Next, the first line reads:

Cloud computing is closer than ever before. Why not start by checking out our fifteen-minute Basic Tutorial?

What does “Cloud computing is closer than ever before.” have to do with Mule Studio? The implication is that the “fifteen-minute Basic Tutorial” is going to teach me about “cloud computing.”

Basic Studio Tutorial

Suggestion: Either call the software MuleStudio, or Studio or Mule, or start with one and say: “we use herein ….” and then use it. Consistent naming isn’t that hard.

BTW, documentation should be updated to reflect current directory structure used with examples.

Documentation says: \MuleStudio\Examples\SpellChecker\InXML.

MuleStudio\examples\SpellChecker\spellcheck.xml is the actual directory

OK, so the directory is missing the InXML and OutXML directories.

Ah, it is expecting an empty InXML directory so it fails if you point to the directory structure as delivered.


MuleStudio\examples\SpellChecker mkdir InXML, and

MuleStudio\examples\SpellChecker mkdir OutXML

I left spellcheck.xml in the SpellChecker directory (remember to copy, not move so you don’t lose the file, or you could create another one).


For a confidence building example I would not switch back and forth between Windows and Unix file/path syntax. Pick one and stay with it.

I would not suggest other thing to explore during the first example. Could have a staged follow up after the first example, but only afterwards.

Oh, and fix the paths or say they have to be built in order for the first example to run. If possible configure the default window so the message box isn’t so small. Users need to see something happening.

One more thing, the example is vague about whether the OS moves the file or if the file can be moved in MuleStudio. I used the OS just out of habit. I did look and there was no obvious way to copy/move the file in the application.

The narrative could be smoother and with the technical errors fixed it would be an adequate introduction to the software. It would be a better introduction if there was some motive giving for the example application, why would I care? sort of thing. Leveraging the power of Google or something like that.

Watch for notes on the intermediate tutorial in a day or so.


In the SpellChecker directory (under MuleStudio/example) add InXML and OutXML directories, thus:

mkdir InXML

mkdir OutXML

Leave spellcheck.xml in the SpellChecker directory until told to copy it into InXML

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