Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 20, 2012

ISO 25964-­-1 Thesauri for information retrieval

Filed under: Cloud Computing,Information Retrieval,ISO/IEC,JTC1,Standards,Thesaurus — Patrick Durusau @ 9:18 pm

Information and documentation -­- Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies -­- Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval

Actually that is the homepage for Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services – N K O S but the lead announcement item is for ISO 25964-1, etc.

From that webpage:

New international thesaurus standard published

ISO 25964-­-1 is the new international standard for thesauri, replacing ISO 2788 and ISO 5964. The full title is Information and documentation -­- Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies -­- Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval. As well as covering monolingual and multilingual thesauri, it addresses 21st century needs for data sharing, networking and interoperability.

Content includes:

  • construction of mono-­- and multi-­-lingual thesauri;
  • clarification of the distinction between terms and concepts, and their inter-­-relationships;
  • guidance on facet analysis and layout;
  • guidance on the use of thesauri in computerized and networked systems;
  • best practice for the management and maintenance of thesaurus development;
  • guidelines for thesaurus management software;
  • a data model for monolingual and multilingual thesauri;
  • brief recommendations for exchange formats and protocols.

An XML schema for data exchange has been derived from the data model, and is available free of charge at . Coming next ISO 25964-­-1 is the first of two publications. Part 2: Interoperability with other vocabularies is in the public review stage and will be available by the end of 2012.

Find out how you can obtain a copy from the news release.

Let me help you there, the correct number is: ISO 25964-1:2011 and the list price for a PDF copy is CHF 238,00, or in US currency (today), $257.66 (for 152 pages).

Shows what I know about semantic interoperability.

If you want semantic interoperability, you change people $1.69 per page (152 pages) for access to the principles of thesauri to be used for information retrieval.

ISO/IEC and JTC 1 are all parts of a system of viable international (read non-vendor dominated) organizations for information/data standards. They are the natural homes for the management of data integration standards that transcend temporal, organizational, governmental and even national boundaries.

But those roles will not fall to them by default. They must seize the initiative and those roles. Clinging to old-style publishing models for support makes them appear timid in the face of current challenges.

Even vendors recognize their inability to create level playing fields for technology/information standards. And the benefits that come to vendors from de jure as well as non-de jure standards organizations.

ISO/IEC/JTC1, provided they take the initiative, can provide an international, de jure home for standards that form the basis for information retrieval and integration.

The first step to take is to make ISO/IEC/JTC1 information standards publicly available by default.

The second step is to call up all members and beneficiaries, both direct and indirect, of ISO/IEC/JTC 1 work, to assist in the creation of mechanisms to support the vital roles played by ISO/IEC/JTC 1 as de jure standards bodies.

We can all learn something from ISO 25964-1 but how many of us will with that sticker price?

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