Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 14, 2011

Cypher Cookbook

Filed under: Cypher,Graphs,Hypergraphs,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 6:25 pm

Cypher Cookbook

I have been learning to bake bread so you can imagine my disappointment when I saw “Cypher Cookbook” only to find that Peter was talking about Neo4j queries. Really! 😉

From the first entry:

Hyperedges and Cypher

Imagine a user being part of different groups. A group can have different roles, and a user can be part of different groups. He also can have different roles in different groups apart from the membership. The association of a User, a Group and a Role can be referred to as a HyperEdge. However, it can be easily modeled in a property graph as a node that captures this n-ary relationship, as depicted below in the U1G2R1 node.

The graph model is necessary to illustrate the query but hyperedges need to also be treated under modeling or the current Domain Modeling Galllery. I would argue that full examples should be provided for as many domains as possible. (See how easy it is to assign work to others? I don’t know how soon but I hope to be a contributor in that respect.)

Another “cookbook” section could address importing data into Neo4j. Particularly from some of the larger public databases.

If anyone who wants wider adoption of Neo4j needs a motivating example, consider the number of people who use DocBook (its an XML format) versus ODF or OOXML (used by OpenOffice and MS Office (well, MS Office saves as both). If you want wide adoption (which I personally think is a good idea for graph databases) then use can’t be a test of user dedication or integrity.

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