Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 14, 2011

dmoz: computers: artificial intelligence

Filed under: Artificial Intelligence,Data Source — Patrick Durusau @ 6:23 pm

dmoz: computers: artificial intelligence

I ran across this listing of resources, some 1,294 as of today, this morning.

Amusing to note that despite the category being “Artificial Intelligence,” “Programming Languages” shows “(0).”

Before you leap to the defense of dmoz, yes, I know that if you follow the “Programming Languages” link, you will find numerous Lisp resources (as well as others).

Three problems:

First, it isn’t immediately obvious that you should follow “Programming Languages” to find Lisp. After all, it says “(0).” What does that usually mean?

Second, the granularity (or lack thereof) of such a resource listing, enables easier navigation, but at the expense of a lack of detail. Surely post-printed text we can create “views” on the fly that serve the need to navigate as well as varying needs for details or different navigations.

Third, and most importantly from my perspective, how to stay aware of new materials and to find old materials at these sites? RSS feeds can help with changes but doesn’t gather similar reports together and certainly doesn’t help with material already posted.

Another rich lode of resources where delivery could be greatly improved.

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