Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 28, 2011

Practical Foundations for Programming Languages

Filed under: CS Lectures,Programming,Types — Patrick Durusau @ 7:33 pm

Practical Foundations for Programming Languages (pdf) by Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University.

From Chapter 1, page 3:

Programming languages are languages, a means of expressing computations in a form comprehensible to both people and machines. The syntax of a language specifies the means by which various sorts of phrases (expressions, commands, declarations, and so forth) may be combined to form programs. But what sort of thing are these phrases? What is a program made of?

The informal concept of syntax may be seen to involve several distinct concepts. The surface, or concrete, syntax is concerned with how phrases are entered and displayed on a computer. The surface syntax is usually thought of as given by strings of characters from some alphabet (say, ASCII or UniCode). The structural, or abstract, syntax is concerned with the structure of phrases, specifically how they are composed from other phrases. At this level a phrase is a tree, called an abstract syntax tree, whose nodes are operators that combine several phrases to form another phrase. The binding structure of syntax is concerned with the introduction and use of identifiers: how they are declared, and how declared identifiers are to be used. At this level phrases are abstract binding trees, which enrich abstract syntax trees with the concepts of binding and scope.

In this chapter we prepare the ground for all of our later work by defining precisely what are strings, abstract syntax trees, and abstract binding trees. The definitions are a bit technical, but are fundamentally quite simple and intuitive. It is probably best to skim this chapter on first reading, returning to it only as the need arises.

I am always amused when authors counsel readers to “skim” an early chapter and to return to it when in need. That works for the author, who already knows the material in the first chapter cold, works less well in my experience as a reader. How will I be aware that some future need could be satisfied by re-reading the first chapter? The first chapter is only nine (9) pages out of five hundred and seventy (570) so my suggestion would be to get the first chapter out of the way with a close reading.

From the preface:

This is a working draft of a book on the foundations of programming languages. The central organizing principle of the book is that programming language features may be seen as manifestations of an underlying type structure that governs its syntax and semantics. The emphasis, therefore, is on the concept of type, which codifies and organizes the computational universe in much the same way that the concept of set may be seen as an organizing principle for the mathematical universe. The purpose of this book is to explain this remark.

I think it is the view that “the concept of type…codifies and organizes the computational universe” that I find attractive. That being the case, we are free to construct computational universes that best fit our purposes, as opposed to fitting our purposes to particular computational universes.

Update: August 6, 2012 – First edition completed, see: There and Back Again

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