Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 19, 2011

Is Semantic Reuse A Requirement?

Filed under: Marketing — Patrick Durusau @ 7:52 pm

I was blogging about improvements at GeoCommons when I thought about my usual complaint about mapping services: There is no possibility of semantic reuse. Whatever the user thought they recognized as the basis for a mapping, is simply not recorded.

That is true for all the ETL apps like Talend, Kettle and others. They all handle mappings/transformations, all of which fail to specify identifications of the subjects recognized by the user. Simply not present. Any reuse will require another user to make an implicit mapping of subjects and their identifications and fail to record them.

Is it the case that reuse of semantic mappings may not be a requirement?

That is mappings are created as one use mappings and in the event of changes the entire mapping will have to be inspected if not re-created?

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