Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 8, 2012

Relevance Tuning and Competitive Advantage via Search Analytics

Filed under: Relevance,Search Analytics,Search Behavior — Patrick Durusau @ 7:28 pm

Relevance Tuning and Competitive Advantage via Search Analytics

It must be all the “critical” evaluation of infographics I have been reading but I found myself wondering about the following paragraph:

This slide shows how Search Analytics can be used to help with A/B testing. Concretely, in this slide we see two Solr Dismax handlers selected on the right side. If you are not familiar with Solr, think of a Dismax handler as an API that search applications call to execute searches. In this example, each Dismax handler is configured differently and thus each of them ranks search hits slightly differently. On the graph we see the MRR (see Wikipedia page for Mean Reciprocal Rank details) for both Dismax handlers and we can see that the one corresponding to the blue line is performing much better. That is, users are clicking on search hits closer to the top of the search results page, which is one of several signals of this Dismax handler providing better relevance ranking than the other one. Once you have a system like this in place you can add more Dismax handlers and compare 2 or more of them at a time. As the result, with the help of Search Analytics you get actual, real feedback about any changes you make to your search engine. Without a tool like this, you cannot really tune your search engine’s relevance well and will be doing it blindly.

Particularly the line:

That is, users are clicking on search hits closer to the top of the search results page, which is one of several signals of this Dismax handler providing better relevance ranking than the other one.


Here is one way to test that assumption:

Report for any search as the #1 or #2 result, “private cell-phone number for …” and pick one of the top ten movie actresses for 2011. And you can do better than that, make sure the cell-phone number is one that rings at your search analytics desk. Now see how many users are “…clicking on search hits closer to the top of the search results page….”

Are your results more relevant than a movie star?

Don’t get me wrong, search analytics are very important, but let’s not get carried away about what we can infer from largely opaque actions.

Some other questions: Did users find the information they needed? Can they make use of that information? Does that use improve some measurable or important aspect of the company business? Let’s broaden search analytics to make search results less opaque.

January 4, 2012

Google Correlate expands to 49 additional countries

Filed under: Google Correlate,Search Behavior,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 12:06 pm

Google Correlate expands to 49 additional countries

Matt Mohebbi, Software Engineer, writes:

From the post:

In May of this year we launched Google Correlate on Google Labs. This system enables a correlation search between a user-provided time series and millions of time series of Google search traffic. Since our initial launch, we’ve graduated to Google Trends and we’ve seen a number of great applications of Correlate in several domains, including economics (consumer spending, unemployment rate and housing inventory), sociology and meteorology. The correspondence of gas prices and search activity for fuel efficient cars was even briefly discussed in a Fox News presidential debate and NPR recently covered correlations related to political commentators.

Google has added 49 countries for use with Correlate, bring the total to 50.

Just in case you are curious:

Country Table for Google Correlate – 4 Jan. 2012
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Egypt
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russian Federation
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Venezuela
  • Viet Nam

What correlations are you going to find? (Bearing in mind that correlation is not causation.)

December 17, 2011

Semantic Prediction?

Filed under: Bug Prediction,Search Behavior,Semantics,Software — Patrick Durusau @ 6:34 am

Bug Prediction at Google

From the post:

I first read this post because of the claim that 50% of the code base at Google changes each month. So it says but perhaps more on that another day.

While reading the post I ran across the following:

In order to help identify these hot spots and warn developers, we looked at bug prediction. Bug prediction uses machine-learning and statistical analysis to try to guess whether a piece of code is potentially buggy or not, usually within some confidence range. Source-based metrics that could be used for prediction are how many lines of code, how many dependencies are required and whether those dependencies are cyclic. These can work well, but these metrics are going to flag our necessarily difficult, but otherwise innocuous code, as well as our hot spots. We’re only worried about our hot spots, so how do we only find them? Well, we actually have a great, authoritative record of where code has been requiring fixes: our bug tracker and our source control commit log! The research (for example, FixCache) indicates that predicting bugs from the source history works very well, so we decided to deploy it at Google.

How it works

In the literature, Rahman et al. found that a very cheap algorithm actually performs almost as well as some very expensive bug-prediction algorithms. They found that simply ranking files by the number of times they’ve been changed with a bug-fixing commit (i.e. a commit which fixes a bug) will find the hot spots in a code base. Simple! This matches our intuition: if a file keeps requiring bug-fixes, it must be a hot spot because developers are clearly struggling with it.

So, if that is true for software bugs, doesn’t it stand to reason the same is true for semantic impedance? That is when a user selects one result and then within some time window selects one different from the first, the reason is the first failed to meet their criteria for a match? Same intuition. Users change because the match, in their view, failed.

Rather than trying to “reason” about the semantics of terms, we can simply observe user behavior with regard to those terms in the aggregate. And perhaps even salt the mine as it were with deliberate cases to test theories about the semantics of terms.

I haven’t done the experiment, yet, but it is certainly something that I will be looking into this next year. I think it has definite potential and would scale.

December 14, 2011

A Task-based Model of Search

Filed under: Modeling,Search Behavior,Search Interface,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 7:46 pm

A Task-based Model of Search by Tony Russell-Rose.

From the post:

A little while ago I posted an article called Findability is just So Last Year, in which I argued that the current focus (dare I say fixation) of the search community on findability was somewhat limiting, and that in my experience (of enterprise search, at least), there are a great many other types of information-seeking behaviour that aren’t adequately accommodated by the ‘search as findability’ model. I’m talking here about things like analysis, sensemaking, and other problem-solving oriented behaviours.

Now, I’m not the first person to have made this observation (and I doubt I’ll be the last), but it occurs to me that one of the reasons the debate exists in the first place is that the community lacks a shared vocabulary for defining these concepts, and when we each talk about “search tasks” we may actually be referring to quite different things. So to clarify how I see the landscape, I’ve put together the short piece below. More importantly, I’ve tried to connect the conceptual (aka academic) material to current design practice, so that we can see what difference it might make if we had a shared perspective on these things. As always, comments & feedback welcome.

High marks for a start on what complex and intertwined issues.

Not so much that we will reach a common vocabulary but so we can be clearer about where we get confused when moving from one paradigm to another.

November 4, 2011

A Taxonomy of Enterprise Search and Discovery

A Taxonomy of Enterprise Search and Discovery by Tony Russell-Rose.


Classic IR (information retrieval) is predicated on the notion of users searching for information in order to satisfy a particular “information need”. However, it is now accepted that much of what we recognize as search behaviour is often not informational per se. Broder (2002) has shown that the need underlying a given web search could in fact be navigational (e.g. to find a particular site) or transactional (e.g. through online shopping, social media, etc.). Similarly, Rose & Levinson (2004) have identified the consumption of online resources as a further common category of search behaviour.

In this paper, we extend this work to the enterprise context, examining the needs and behaviours of individuals across a range of search and discovery scenarios within various types of enterprise. We present an initial taxonomy of “discovery modes”, and discuss some initial implications for the design of more effective search and discovery platforms and tools.

If you are flogging software/interfaces for search/discovery in an enterprise context, you really need to read this paper. In part because of their initial findings but in part to establish the legitimacy of evaluating how users search before designing an interface for them to search with. They may not be able to articulate all their search behaviors which means you will have to do some observation to establish what may be the elements that make a difference in a successful interface and one that is less so. (No one wants to be the next Virtual Case Management project at the FBI.)

Read the various types of searching as rough guides to what you may find true for your users. When in doubt, trust your observations of and feedback from your users. Otherwise you will have an interface that fits an abstract description in a paper but not your users. I leave it for you to judge which one results in repeat business.

Don’t take that as a criticism of the paper, I think it is one of the best I have read lately. My concern is that the evaluation of user needs/behaviour be an ongoing process and not prematurely fixed or obscured by categories or typologies of how users “ought” to act.

The paper is also available in PDF format.

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